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Samsung SATA DVD ±RW DL Brenner 22x S223Q >Nero, Kabel<
22,90 €
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Gewicht: 0 kg




Sonderpreis: 22,90 EUR

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Samsung S223Q

22x DVD-RW Brenner



überprüft (optisch und technisch 100% neuwertig)

bulk, mit viel Zubehör, siehe unten

24 Monate Gewährleistung



TruDirect™ real time recording

TruDirect™ real time recording
No need for space in HDD, direct recording to ODD
• Creating DVD title from 1 h video stream: about
1 h 5 min • Creating DVD title from
 1 h HDD Camcorder file (4.1 GB): 30 min


Direct Disc Labelling technology burns labels directly
onto your CDs and DVDs with laser-etched precision,
using the same disc drive that burns.
RoHS compliant (Eco-Product)

RoHS compliant (Eco-Product)

SAMSUNG develops technologies to design eco products
excluding harmful materials to human body, such as
Pb, Cd, Cr+6, Hg, PBBs and PBDE for the protection
of human health and the environment.
SpeedPlus™ power speed technology for 20X writing

SpeedPlus™ power speed technology

for 20X writing

• Powerful over-speed support
• Low noise and vibration control system for high speed
• Optimised algorithm for fastest speed
S.A.T (Speed Adjustment Technology)

S.A.T (Speed Adjustment Technology)

Diverse quality discs in the market. But just click to burn with
no worries when you use SAMSUNG WriteMaster™ Smart enough
 to write in the most optimised speed for the disc automatically.

double OPC (Optimum Power Control) in DVD+R

double OPC (Optimum Power Control) in DVD+R
• Usually the outer side of the disc has lower writing quality
because of the vibration and swaying of the disc makes the
servo signal worse. • Double OPC technology enables to check
not only in the inner but also in the outer side of the disc,
optimising the laser power on each area in order to
perform the most reliable writing.


Drive Type DVD Writer
Enclosure Type Internal
Drive Height Half Height
Loading type Tray
Interface S-ATA
DrIve Mounting Horizontal / Vertical
Buffer Memory 2 MB
Supported Disc Formats DVD-RAM, DVD+R, DVD+R DL, DVD+RW, DVD-R, DVD-R DL, DVD-RW, Light Scribe DVD±R, Light Scribe CD-R, DVD-ROM, DVD-Video, CD-R, CD-RW, CD-ROM, CD-ROM/XA, CD-Audio, Video-CD, Photo CD, CD-I (FMV), CD-Extra, CD-TEXT
DVD title creation time 1hr video stream 1 hour 5 minutes
1hr (4.1GB) HDD camcorder files 30 minutes

CD-R Write 48X (7.2 MB/sec)
Read 40X (6.0 MB/sec)
CD-RW Write 32X (4.8 MB/sec)
Read 32X (4.8 MB/sec)
CD-ROM Write 48X (7.2 MB/sec)
DVD-ROM Write 12X (16.2 MB/sec)
Read 12X (16.2 MB/sec)
DVD+R Write 22X (29.7 MB/sec)
Read 16X (21.6 MB/sec)
DVD-R Write 22X (29.7 MB/sec)
Read 16X (21.6 MB/sec)
DVD+R Double Layer Write 16X (21.6 MB/sec)
Read 12X (16.2 MB/sec)
DVD-R Double Layer Write 12X (16.2 MB/sec)
Read 12X (16.2 MB/sec)
DVD+RW Write 8X (10.8 MB/sec)
Read 12X (16.2 MB/sec)
DVD-RW Write 6X (8.1 MB/sec)
Read 12X (16.2 MB/sec)
DVD-RAM Write 12X (16.2MB/sec)
Read 12X (16.2MB/sec)

Burst Transfer Rate PIO Mode 4 16.6 MB/sec
DMA Mode 2 16.6 MB/sec
UDMA Mode 2 33.3 MB/sec
S-ATA 1.5 Gbps
UDMA Mode 4 66.6 MB/sec
Average Access Time CD-ROM 110 ms
DVD-ROM 130 ms
Disc Labeling Time CD media : best mode 28 minutes
DVD media : best mode 30 minutes
Disc Labeling Support                                            Yes
Disc Labeling Media Ver 1.2 Support                                            Yes

E-Co Product : RoHS Yes
Magic Speed Yes
Automatic Ball Balancing System : A.B.S Yes
Weight Balancing System : W.B.S No
Firmware Live Update Yes
Buffer Underrun Free Technology Yes
Speed Adjustment Technology : S.A.T Yes
Double O.P.C Technology Yes
Tilt Actuator Compensation Technology : T.A.C Yes


alles neu und original verpackt

Ahaed Nero Express 5.5 auf CD incl. CD Key

Cyberlink: Power DVD XP 4.0 incl. CD Key

SATA Datenkabel

SATA Stromkabel

Schraubensatz (4x fein zum Befestigen des DVD Brenners)


  • Samsung DVD Brenner

  • Zubehör (siehe oben)

  • Kundenrückläufer

  • überprüft (optisch und technisch 100% neuwertig)

  •  24Monate Gewährleistung

  • 1 Monat Rückgaberecht

  • Rechnung auf ihren Namen mit ausgewiesener MwSt 


Alle verwendeten Namen, Bezeichnungen und Logos sind Marken und/oder

eingetragene Marken ihrer jeweiligen Eigentümer.

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